Kapitel 2 - I Just Thought, You Know...

Jag lovade att lägga in kapitel 2 igår, men det blev inte så. Det kommer nu istället (:

The incident in French went unmentioned, and I just grew more confused each day. Little things I picked up from him just added to my already cloudy thoughts; playing with my hair when he sat behind me in History, letting me lean on his legs watching 21 in Math. I just had no clue. I couldn’t talk to Auntie Alice about it, she’d tell mum, then mum would tell dad, then dad would kill Jacob. Uncle Jasper and Uncle Emmett were out of the picture, they would help dad kill Jacob. And Auntie Rose? I won’t even go there. As for my friends? Well, they wouldn’t let it go. They’re better off not knowing.

At school:

Why must he do this? Can’t he see the trouble we’re going to get into? You never mess with Uncle Emmett’s stuff. Never. Even under pain of torture, he’s a lot worse.

Uncle Emmett is the new gym teacher at my school; I’ve heard many girls’ comment on how they want to join him in the showers, and appreciate the way he looks in Speedo’s. I gag whenever I hear these revelations (I know I’m not actually related to him, but please, come on! I’ve seen him break his X-Box controller because he couldn’t beat the game! ). Jacob laughs and loves recounting their comments at home, especially when Auntie Rose is around.

And now, as Uncle Emmett in the shower after a dodge ball game with his class singing “Move Shake Drop”. Whenever I hear this song at their house, I go home. Straight away, I don’t want to know what goes down in their room.

I knew better, and so did he. But Jacob had this amazing plan to sneak into his office and replace his photo of Rosalie with one of Ian Thorpe in Speedos, write over his sporting awards in permanent marker, and stick a huge picture up in the gym of him with Auntie Rose, at a party she dragged him to. He’s in a kilt, he wanted to burn it, but ended up hiding it in his gym bag. No one ever went in there; you don’t know what you’d find.

So there we were. He was on look out. I was doing the dirty deeds as I was smaller, quieter and could come up with a good excuse if I was caught. I looked at Jacob with a pleading face, he smile reassuringly and went back to guard the door.

I pulled the picture of Ian out of my backpack and was grabbing the photo of Auntie Rose off his desk when Uncle Emmett stopped singing, turned the shower off and started to unlock the door. I don’t see why he even needs a shower, it’s all for show, and he likes seeing himself naked I suppose. Just as the door knob was turning, Jacob ran at me and pulled me under the desk. I was pressed right up against him, his hot skin against mine. My heart raced, and I didn’t know whether it was from the adrenalin rush or Jacob.

Uncle Emmett grabbed his brush and walked back into the bathroom. Jacob released me and cleared his throat. I turned around and glared at him, he smiled sheepishly and we crawled out of the room.

“Well that was a waste.” I said sulking.

“Not really,” he chuckled pointing up to the gym wall.

Stuck there, a huge poster of Uncle Emmett in a kilt. He’d done it this time.

We ran out of the gym just as we heard a booming voice yell, “What the - ?”

We stopped running and I stood there, out of breath and puffed, “God I hate you sometimes.”

“No you don’t!” He said cheerfully.

“Yeah, actually I do!” I retorted.

“Don’t say that Ness! You know it’s not true!” He laughed.

I looked at him, and he smiled goofily at me, his tongue lolling out, eyes crossed. I suppose I couldn’t hate him. When I didn’t answer he took my silence as a personal victory and slung his arm around my shoulder as we started walking.

I smiled to myself and leant into him. As we were walking down the corridor we saw a poster for the next school dance.

“We going?” Jacob asked. Was that hope I heard lingering in his question?

He knew we never went. It was meaningless, a time where guys and girls can hook up and not be judged. Where a girl can look like a total whore and no one cared. Leave your inhibitions at the door. Not really my scene. And the music! New age, “gangster” stuff. Uncle Emmett always had it booming through his speakers. I couldn’t stand it. One song everyone would be singing, and the next week it was “old”. I didn’t look like it, but I was more of a punk rock kind of girl.

I looked at him and snorted, “Are you serious?”

“Yeah, well I thought we could go, you know... Oh never mind...”

“Come on Jacob! Tell me!” I whined.

“No Nessie. It’s not important.”

“Oh, okay then.”

Then he took his arm from my shoulder. I didn’t like it. It felt weird. I looked at him sideways and his face was blank. No emotion showing. Oh damn, what have I done?

“Race you to the car?” I asked.

“Umm... yeah, okay then. Ready, set –“And he was off.

“CHEATER!” I yelled after him.

We ran and laughed, but his laugh wasn’t quite right. Not as much heart. It wasn’t Jacob’s laugh.

And I had no idea what to do.

Postat av: -V

Jätte bra!!! när kommer nästa kapitel??

och skulle du/ni kunna göra en egen kategori för din/er fan fic så att den skulle bli lättare att hitta?? :) :D

xoxo gossip girl -V

2009-08-05 @ 21:13:43
URL: http://absolutgossipgirl.blogg.se/
Postat av: mileo

förlåt om jag är helt trög men vart hittar jag kapitel 1??

2009-08-05 @ 21:52:40

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