Jamie och Bonnie!

Caius 'hjärta' Ginny

Countryside fun with JamieBower
Och jag säger bara Herregud! Gaaaaaaaah!!!!

källa | Twitter.com/Jamiebower

Jamie reklamerar (;

Jamie ber om ursäkt
"Apologies for misleading people into thinking that there would be a nude scene in New Moon. Never meant it to offend anyone. Sorry. X"
Vi förlåter dig Jamie :)


Jamie Bower om New Moon

Jamie Bower intervju
MTV: Tell us about your character in "New Moon."
Bower: I play Caius, who is the leader of the Volturi. They are a coven and effectively run the vampire community. They make the laws up. It's me, Michael Sheen who plays Aro, and a guy called Christopher Heyerdahl who plays Marcus. We try to kill Bella and convince Edward to come and live with us - because Peter's character [Carlisle Cullen] had come and lived with us before - and we love the Cullens deeply.
MTV: Director Chris Weitz is new to most of these guys, but so are you. What kind of discussions did you two newbies have before filming began?
Bower: He gave us a lot of freedom. We sat down prior to it and just bounced ideas around. The backstory for Caius is already there, as it is for the Volturi. It's all fairly self-explanatory. We sat down and I said, "I think he's got this deep-rooted anger. He doesn't have a power, and he's pretty pissed off about that, because the rest of them have powers." And then, once we got on set, he was just like, "Go for it." We'd do a couple of takes of the same thing, and then we'd change it up and I'd do something crazy.
MTV: Give us an example of one of the crazy takes.
Bower: We'd do different accents, different styles. There would be one that would be very introverted, and then there would be another one that would be completely theatrical. It was good fun.
MTV: Unfortunately, we don't see you in the "New Moon" trailer. So maybe you could give us a sneak peek at Caius? Look into the camera and give us your favorite line, in-character.
Bower: [Gets into character] "We don't offer second chances. I would advise that you follow through on your promise soon."
Guuud vad jag längtar efter att se New Moon! kärlek till Volturi! (:
Jamie Bower på Comic con