Ny bild från The last Airbender!

Alla älskar en Twilight-Jasper!
I första intervjuen talar han om Jaspers "Powers" och i den andra pratar han om Twilight-regissören Cathrine Hardwicke (:
När du tittat klart på de två kan du dregla över screencapsen nedanför ;)
Rathbone talar om Lautner!
BOSTON — Taylor Lautner and the 30 new pounds of muscle he put on to play Jacob Black in "New Moon" have already spawned numerous excited fan reaction videos on the Net. But co-star Jackson Rathbone thinks that when the actual movie comes out, Lautner's physique isn't what's going to set the ladies' hearts
"Nikki Reed keeps telling everybody, and I think it's true, yeah, [Lautner's] got his shirt off, an
d he looks good with his shirt off, but you look at those eyes. You really do," he told MTV News when we caught up with him on the set of his indie film, "Girlfriend."
Rathbone admitted to watching a fan's video reaction to the first trailer, in which we see a shirtless Lautner transform into a wolf for the first time. "You can't hear the rest of the [trailer] because it's just screams and screams. I think they were happy screams," Rathbone joked.
But looks aren't all the 17-year-old actor has going for him. Rathbone said Lautner's performance in the film was enough to sway half the cast and crew over to Team Jacob. Rathbone, who plays vampire Jasper Hale, didn't want to disclose his allegiance, though he hinted, "I'm all for my brother."
The growing relationship between Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Jacob is a pivotal part of "New Moon." And though Edward's role has been beefed up despite his physical absence from much of the story, Lautner had big shoes to fill as he stepped into the leading man role.
"Taylor Lautner really stands out in this film, and I think people are going to be really blown away by his performance," Rathbone said. "You have these great moments that Jacob just completely is winning over Bella. And it's just beautiful to see it. It's all in their eyes."
Jackson Rathbone skadad i Eclipse!
Enligt flera källor skall Jackson Rathbone blivit skadad på Eclipse inspelningen, ET Online har nu bekräftat detta och Summit med, men alla ni kan va lugna, han ska tydligen må bra!
One of the stars of ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ has been injured and was taken to the hospital. Read on for details.
A rep for Summit Entertainment tells ET, “Actor Jackson Rathbone of the ‘Twilight Saga’ movies, was slightly injured yesterday during a fight scene rehearsal. As a precaution, he was driven to the hospital and checked out by a doctor. He’s fine and is back at work on the set of ‘Eclipse’ today.”
Och sedan Twittrade Ashley Greene detta:
Vi måste ju hoppas att det stämmer att han mår bra! Krya på dig !
Bild och Textkälla | TheTwilightSaga
Jackson på inspelningsplatsen!

längtar till filmen mer nu...

Källa | TwilightMovie
Jackson Rathbone ute i Vancouver

Jackson Rathbone i intervju
Lyssna på detta!!
Källa | Thetwilightsaga

Jackson is hott!

Jackson i Vancouver

Jackson pratar om bellas födelsedag
MTV: There are a lot of Twilighters downstairs looking forward to November's "New Moon." How's it looking?
Rathbone: It's gonna be crazy, man. We're going deep into the werewolf world now, and you know, there's a little attack by a certain somebody. [Smiles.]
MTV: Yeah, we saw you in the trailer, jumping at Bella.
Rathbone: You saw a little bit of it in the trailer; you didn't see the whole thing.
MTV: There's more to the birthday scene?
Rathbone: Yeah, there's a little bit more violence. It's definitely longer. It's really about the moment where Bella is realizing what kind of world she's into. We spent the entire time with "Twilight" delving into the vampire world, but now in "New Moon," it's like you're in the vampire world, and what happens when you get a paper cut? What happens when everyone you love turns around on you and suddenly could kill you? She's in that world right now, and she's kind of scared by it. She's also getting into the werewolf world, and suddenly she's got these two new worlds on her — and there's love in both. It's an amazing script.
MTV: The birthday scene is certainly a very pivotal moment in the "Twilight" universe. Kellan, Peter and others have told me they had to restrain you during takes. How method did you get?
Rathbone: Yeah, I was going pretty method. We choreographed it — so I wasn't too worried about attacking Kristen — but I told the guys to hold me back, because you want it to look real. You want it to be as real as possible, because you want that to transfer on film, and you want the audience to feel that frightened sense that I gave Kristen. I felt really bad, man. There was a couple of moments where she was like, "I thought you were going to hit me that time!" I come so close; it's pretty intense.

Jackson om Victoria-utbytet

Jackson Rathbone outtakes

Jasper kär i Victoria?

Bryce ska ju spela Victoria i Eclipse och jag undrar om hon vet detta?
Men om hon lägger in en stöt på honom blir jag extremt arg på henne. Ja, Vampyrer blir då inte det läskigaste som finns där ute (a) Och det är inte precis för att jag vill ha honom för mig utan att jag vill att Jackson & Ashley ska bli ett par. De är ju så söta Tillsammans!

Jackson Rathbone ger ett döende fan hennes sista vilja
Gud vad söt han är! Skulle eran sista önskan varit något liknande? jag hoppas flickan mår bra och att hon är väldigt glad över detta.

"'I Like Roles That I Can Sink My Teeth Into"