100 sexiest woman...
...glöm inte rösta på Ashley Greene (Alice)! :D
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Ashley tillbaka i LA

Ashley har fullt upp (:
Event från den 28/2, fler bilder här.
Event från den 27/2, fler bilder här.
Event från den 27/2, fler bilder här .
Källa | Twilightsweden
Grattis Ashley!
Så ställ er upp och sjung nu, Ja må hon leva, ja må hon leva!


Ashleys favorit-scen i New Moon!
Intervju med Ashley Greene
TSR.com: What was your first
impression of Twilight when you
AG: I never thought is would be
something as big, as huge at it is. Twilight
is like WOW. I thought it was going to be
great and everything, I thought it was going
to be something like Scary Movie-famous,
but I never thought it was going to be
this big, like… don’t know… Harry Potter-
famous. Transformers… don’t know.
I don’t know if you get my idea, but is
awesome being part of something like
Twilight and the Saga.
TSR.com: What’s your favorite book in the series?
AG: I’m between New Moon and Eclipse. But I love them all.
TSR.com: Are you Team Edward or team Jacob?
AG: Ughhhh… harsh. I really really adore Rob and Edward’s awesome, but I’m Team Jacob. Is just… You gotta love Taylor, he plays an amazing Jacob, so… my heart belongs to him. Hahaha!
TSR.com: Are there any traits or similarities between yourself and Alice?
AG: We’re both tiny. Hahaha! Well, Alice’s one happy kid, and I’m a happy person too. I’m like smiling all the time and I really don’t like to see people sad so, I make them laugh and everything. I’m really into fashion, but Alice kick my butt x10 times. She’s a fashionista and I love it. I love her fashion sense and, I want her closet!
TSR.com: What’s been your favorite scene to film so far?
AG: High school graduation. I loved it. It made me remember my graduation.
TSR.com: We know that a lot of acting on a TV or movie is waiting. Do you have one particular activity you like to do while waiting?
AG: Call my mom. Or any of my friends. Or talk to my friends thru AIM. Actually, I talk. To everyone. Oh! And annoy Rob. That’s my favorite thing to do.
TSR.com: Also it was obvious that the cast seem to be very tight. Do you guys have fun behind the scenes or is it a fairly serious atmosphere? Do you have any behind the scenes stories you’d like to share?
AG: We’re all like brothers and sisters, so we’re having fun all the time. Funny stories? Well, there’s a lot. But one funny thing we’re always doing with Kellan, Jack and Xavier is annoy Rob singing Katy Perry or Miley’s songs. We suck as singers, so we freak him out terribly.
TSR.com: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time (if you have any!)?
AG: Hahahaha! We’re always going to Starbucks with Jackson or going shopping with the girls. And we’re going to have dinner with the cast on weekends, or go to concerts. We always find something fun to do together.
TSR.com: Do you ever visit fan sites to read about yourself or Twilight?
AG: Sometimes. I don’t have plenty of time to check out every page, but sometimes I read some cute notes and everything. All the pages are really respectful and I’m really thankful of that.
Ashley Greene Photoshot
Ashley Greene, Saturday Night Magasine
Ashley Intervju (:

Vackra Ashley (:

Ashley & Peter tillbaks i Vancouver!

Ashley provar Alice-kläder

Ash lämnar Vancouver
Hon har bra hundsmak ;P

Ashleys nya film "Summer's Blood"
Källa: Thetwilightsaga

Stickar Alice-Armvärmare!
Jag tänkte bara berätta att jag älskar att sticka och har gjort det i några år nu, och när jag såg alice-armvärmarna så tänkte jag att jag skulle kunna sticka ett par till någon som vill ha!
Det ni behöver göra om ni vill ha ett par !
*Skicka ett mejl till [email protected] .
*Skriv vilka färger du vill ha, du måste skriva hur många cm det är runt handen,handleden och vd underarmen.
*Din adress och namn måste vara med.
Det kostar 150:- för ett par, kostar ganska mycket eftersom att jag ska köpa garn och så. Det kommer ta ungefär 2 och en halv vecka för mig att göra klart båda efter de skickar jag dom hem till dig.
Ganska enkelt alltså. Skriv gärna ett kommentar om du vill ha ett par oxå!

Ha det bra !

Alice, Alice, Alice
Ashley passar som Alice så j*kla bra!
(den första är ny, NM-outfit)

Ash = Så himla söt

Ashley och vem..? WTF!
"Greene is heading back to Vancouver. Before leaving this morning she said goodbye to Chace Crawford. With her lips. See?
And his eyes are closed…
You fill in the blank. With a boy.
Ashley and Chace were both at the Teen Choice Awards last night. Wonder if they slept or if he kept her up asking a million questions about Robert Pattinson’s favourite colours.
Ashley was last linked to Adrien Grenier – smart to get rid of him with all his Ebola history. Before that Ashley was also getting down with Ian Somerhalder from Lost and now The Vampire Diaries for an evening in Vancouver.
Twilight has its very own Manslinger. Good. She’s in control, she calls the shots, she walks when she wants to. Love it."
Chace som spelar Nate i gossip girl är ursnygg men jag gillar inte alls detta :(
Ashley/Jackson föralltid!

Ashley in LA for TCA

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