Peter och Jennie på Röda mattan!

A conversation with Peter Facinelli !

As the patriarch of the Cullen clan, have you assumed a similar fatherly role with the cast?
You know, on Twilight I feel like they looked to me as the father figure, but because we became so close, I’m more of an older brother now
Has there been a difference in the way you interact as a cast since you filmed ?
Rob[ert Pattinson] has more security guards hanging around him! [Laughs] Other than that, not really. We really enjoy each other’s company, and we’ve been working so much on this movie that we really haven’t had as much time to hang out with each other. We’re putting in these long hours and then just heading home. Usually we just try to catch dinner with each other then get back up the next morning and do it all over again.
What would you say is the one major thing that has changed about your life since starting the franchise?
I’m traveling a lot more than I used to and interacting with a lot more people. The fan base on this, I don’t know how else to explain it … it’s a cultural phenomenon. People will actually hop on a plane to see you. Sometimes I do these charity events, and people fly in to come and see me. I’m just really, really impressed with [the fan] dedication to these books and to the movies. I’ve always had a fan base with the work I’ve done, but never as rabid as this.
You seem pretty dedicated to them, too, judging by your Twitter page.
You know, I love connecting with the fans because I’m a fan of the books myself. They’re all so dedicated and wonderful to me that I love to be able to give back. So if stopping for a picture or signing a book of theirs puts a smile on their face, then that makes me happy, too. I kind of go out of my way to make sure—if there are fans hanging around the set—to try to stop and say hello to them before I get in the van. It takes fiv e minutes to make people happy. I love interacting with them.
Speaking of family, will you please give me one word to describe each of the Cullen clan actors starting with Kellan Lutz?
Ok. [Laughs] Goofy!
Nikki Reed:
Jackson Rathbone:
Kristen Stewart:
Elizabeth Reaser:
Ashley Greene:
Pixie-ish, she’s like a fairy—she’s so light on her feet. Bubbly, that’s the word.
Rob Pattinson:
Mmm, Rob. Rob’s a good one. It’s hard to narrow down to one. So many words come to mind! Brooding, tortured … but he’s a good kid. What’s the word for a solidly good guy?
Solid. He is. He’s solid.
Finally, what your word of the day?
källa | thetwilights

Kellan & Peter på väg till Yoga.

I love him !!
AW! Jag vill bara äta upp honom! Så jekla sööt hela tiden :')
Imorgon fajtas han alltså med de nyfödda vampsen, Carlisle is the shit!
Peter i solen.. Not

källa | Twilightmovie

Peter twittrar
Jag lade ihop Twilight-relaterade inlägg (;

Coolingen Peter Facinelli !
Här är en bild som Peter själv tagit när han sitter på en motorcykel. Jag gillade denna bild, han ser så lugnt och cool ut!:D
Källa | TheTwilightSaga
Peter Facinelli & Jennie Garth

Peter på TV nu!!!
tv 3, filmen Scorpion king. Jag blev helt överaskad när jag såg honom där XD

Mr. Twitter!
Once again Peter Facinelli (aka Dr.Carlisle Cullen) finds himself in the middle of another Twitter competition. Recently Peter Tweeted -
Right now Peter is in the lead with over 14,000 votes! The contest he is currently in is for North America. However if he places in the top 20, he’ll be entered in the “Ultimate World Competition”. There is also a “miss” and a top “animal” twitter competition.
You can show your support for Peter and vote for him here! There are just over 9 days left to vote, ends on August August 18th 2009.
Yep, här har vi en som vill bli Mr. Twitter! Om ni vill rösta på honom kopiera detta:
Och tryck sen på 'vote for him here!'
Källa: newmoonmovie
Peter Facinelli leker !

Källa | Twilightreporter
Peter på Twicon
MTV: Wow! Well, speaking of what you've seen: We interviewed Jamie Campbell Bower recently, and he was talking about a scene that you guys filmed for "New Moon."
Facinelli: Right, I read that. The flashback where they're all bathing in the Roman bath.
MTV: Chris Weitz says . Can you set the record straight?
Facinelli: No, they were naked. It was really weird! I mean, I come in and I'm in full 18th-century garb, and they're in the Roman bath. Maybe it's a surprise or something ...
MTV: Are you messing with me?
Facinelli: [Laughs.] Yeah, I was. I thought [Bower's joke] was really funny, so I was gonna try and roll with it. But no, there are no nude Volturi in "New Moon."
MTV: OK, we can appreciate a joke. But can you at least tell us: Did you really film a scene for Carlisle where he's meeting the Volturi?
Facinelli: We did film a flashback scene, but we're fully clothed in our garb from that era. It's pretty cool. I think people are going to dig that. I like doing the flashback scenes, because you get to dress up in different time periods. It's set in a time, I think the 1800s, where I have traveled to Italy and I was living with the Volturi.
MTV: How is it set up?
Facinelli: Edward is basically telling Bella the story of who the Volturi are, and then it flashes to scenes of me and the Volturi ... in the Roman bath. [Laughs.] No, we're not in the Roman bath. We're playing cards.
MTV: Playing cards?
Facinelli: [Laughs.] It's a secret, because it's not in the book. We can't give away all the secrets — you'll have to go and see the movie.

Peter om Victoria-utbytet

Peter Facinelli och hans telefon
Så söt! man bara måste älska honom