Taylor on your mind? ;)

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Nya Taylor squared bilder!
Har ni sett Valentine's day? Jag har gjort det och tyckte den var urgrym! Tipsar hjärtligt om denna film!

Taylor, Taylor, Taylor och Taylor
Klicka här för att se videon! Papparazzis kan döööö! XD
Swift talar om Lautner!
De börjar snacka om Taylor Lautner runt 4:30, Men se hela. Intervjun är underbar!
Älskar Taylor Swift, hoppas hon och Taytay är tsm. De skulle vara världens snällaste och gulligaste par!

Är detta sant?
Vilken Twilight-hunk dejtar Taylor Swift?
( ) Kellan Lutz
( ) Robert Pattinson
( ) Taylor Lautner
Självklart syftar dem då på Taylor men dejtar dem? Kan inte två kändisar gå ut utan att det ses som en dejt?
Detta är urlöjligt, de borde inte dra förhastade slutsatser.
(Och kunde de inte tagit en lite snyggare bild på Rob??)

Dagens Citat + Bild

Det här blir dagens bild OCH citat!
"I'm sorry i can't be the right kind of monster for you ,Bella" Jacob Black, New Moon

What should I say?

Gamla bilder..

But Lautner isn’t the only one Twilighters got an eyeful of in the trailer — Robert Pattinson also appears sans shirt. And Lautner insists that if the two were to compete in some kind of shirt-off, the competition would be stiff. “I don’t know [who would win]. Rob, he’s getting some muscle,” he explained. “There’s some good competition.”
Lautner famously had to pack on the muscle to reprise his role as Jacob. So we wondered if Pattinson has been seeking advice from him on how to bulk up. “No, he definitely doesn’t need any pointers at all,” Lautner joked. “He’s got it covered.”
Lautner opened up about what it’s been like on-set for the movie’s sequel, “Eclipse.” “Yes it’s a lot of fun,” he said. “I think we’re, like, a month in, so it’s exciting to be back with our new director David Slade and back with the whole team again.”Slade is the third director to helm a “Twilight” flick, and Lautner admits that he’s got a whole new dark take on the saga. “It’s been good. He’s a lot different, but I think he’s going to add a cool taste to the movie,” he explained. “It might be a little darker.”
And Lautner thinks Slade will take the action in this flick, which involves a lot of battling, to the next step. “I feel like the action level is stepping up each and every film. ‘New Moon’ definitely has a lot more [action] than ‘Twilight,’ and I feel like Eclipse is bumping it up another level,” the actor said.
“We’re at war the whole time or most of the time. I think it’s going to be pretty good but it’s a bummer ’cause I’m a wolf the whole time, so it’s not actually me getting to do my action. … But you’ll be able to see the cute fuzzy wolf.”And what does he think of that wolf? Well, that jury of one is still out. “I’m not sure yet! I think I’ve got to watch it a couple more times,” he joked.
Taylor Lautner talks.

Lite till er Taylor-fans (;

Taylor tar Roberts plats på VMA ?

Taylor Lautner

Taylor intervju
Källa | Twilightmovie


Taylor i Teen Vouge
wow taylor! :o


Taylor Lautner vs Steven Strait
men en fråga.. skulle ni gillat Steven Strait som er Jacob?

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Text och Bildkälla | TheTwilights