
Här är en bild på Rob i tidningen SOLO, deras senaste nummer ^^
Tidningen är väl sådär, ingen jag skulle rekomendera dock är det min syrras. (nej, jag lånade hennes tidning, snodde den inte!) x)

E.C Look-alikes!

Yep, sökte på Edward Cullen Look Alikes! Tycker ni bilderna nedan liknar vår Cullen någe? (:

Njae, .. long way to go!
Än har dem inte lyckats härma utseendet på hunken ;)

He's so damn hot !

Har är (typ) en liten interjuv med Robert (Cedric) och små klipp från Harry Potter filmen.
Åå han är SÅ snygg hur gammal var han där yp 15 men endå lika snygg ! (Han var ju söt och snygg som barn oxå så det kanske säger något xD)

Undra om han är så bra...

...på att dansa... xD !!

Haha som dom på twicandy sa: Fler än bara jag som inte kan sluta garva ?!

Källa  |  Twicandy


Här är några roliga paparazzibilder på Rob! (;

I Hope Edward Doesn't Mind It
Maybe I Ate Her...Who Knows?

Humor! ;D
Källa: robpattz.blogg.se

signatur 2

Roberts snygga kärra

Vår Robert Pattinson kör runt i denna Porsche Boxter!
OMG! den är såå snygg! Vad tycker ni? (;

Intervju med Rob

OK! Magazine har en ny intervju med Robert Pattinson. Rob förklarar att han inte är ihop med Kristen Stewart. Dom är "bara väldigt goda vänner". Han berättar även vad det för typ av flickvän han vill ha...

Did you have any idea what you were in store for when you signed up for Twilight?
No way. I read the script and I barely even knew that they were books too. The only reason I went to the audition was to see Kristen, because I'd just seen Into The Wild.

Are you saying you had a little bit of a crush on her?
Of course! No, we are just very good friends.

But there have been a lot of rumours about you two...
I know - but honestly, we are just friends.

Do you have a girlfriend?
No, no. I am young, free and single.

What do you look for in a lady?
I like people being forward. Gosh, I don't know. I like strong people, chiselled abs... I don't know, I take what I can get!

You have a huge amount of female fans, are you ever scared by them?
I had no idea people could get so obsessed. But it's not scary - it's amazing. People just project their idea of my character on to me and they just seem to assume that I'm the same, when in reality I'm not.

How comfortable are you with all the idol-like attention?
It's kind of weird, but I still haven't really had time to reflect on it because I've been doing stuff to do with Twilight and my other movies.

I'm working constantly and I feel like I'm always surrounded by Twilight people - if not my work colleagues, then my fans. Right now it is fans - it's a little bizarre if I'm honest.

Have you had any weird fan experiences?
One time there were these four girls, in ChicagoI think, and they had all scratched their necks until they bled and then when they came up to me they had these bleeding scabs. It was gross!

What is the hardest part of being Edward Cullen?
Probably trying to be scary when you're supposed to be looking pretty at the same time.

Does it worry you that you may always be cast as a heart-throb?
I'm so surprised things have worked out the way they have, I just keep thinking the whole time, I don't really have the right personality to fit in to that kind of role.

I'm not really afraid of it, though, because I don't really know how to play up that aspect of it.

Why do you think Twilight fans are more obsessed than Harry Potter... fans, Lord Of The Rings fans and Matrix fans?
I don't know, but they definitely are. There is this strange kind of connection that some people have to the books - it can be pretty extreme.

I think there are fans of Harry Potter... that are like that as well, but I guess this story is just so intimate that people think they really know the characters and can feel the emotions.

If you could live forever, like Edward Cullen, what would you do?
Probably learn to speak French. Or I might spend three weeks straight with no sleep learning the piano. You'd get really good at stuff because you would have time to do everything.

You have said that Edward is a little obsessive - are you surprised that girls think of Edward as the most perfect boyfriend ever?
It's weird, but girls always seem like that. Being a guy, you always just look at girls and think, why are you with that guy? With virtually anyone the nice guys always seem to come last.

You always get weirdos like Edward who seem to attract women for some reason. If Edward wasn't a fictional character and you met him in reality he is like one of those guys who would probably be an axe murderer or something.

Klicka här för att komma till OK! Magazine

Nu är Robert Pattinson Sexigast i Världen !

Nu är Robert Pattinson sexigast i världen Han är bara 23 år, men redan världskänd och sexig om få. Nu klår han både Brad Pitt och Johnny Depp på listan över världens sexigaste

Den 23-årige skådespelaren blev framröstad som sexigaste mannen i världen i en omröstning som gjorts av Glamour magazine bland 2000 unga kvinnor, rapporterar brittiska The Mirror.

Pattinson själv verkar vara måttligt road av sin förstaplacering.
- Att bli utnämnd till den hetaste skådespelaren betyder egentligen ingenting, du kanske får uppmärksamhet i en månad, säger han.

Jaa, asså man kan ju inte säga att alla dom där 2000 unga kvinnorna (ÄVEN NÅGRA AV OSS) har röstat fel direkt. Jag menar.. kolla på honom? FÅR man vara sådär snygg över huvud taget eller ?

Ni kan fortfarande rösta på snyggingen här

Robert intervju

Did you have any idea what you were in store for when you signed up for Twilight?
No way. I read the script and I barely even knew that they were books too. The only reason I went to the audition was to see Kristen, because I'd just seen Into The Wild.

Are you saying you had a little bit of a crush on her?
Of course! No, we are just very good friends.,.

But there have been a lot of rumours about you two...
I know - but honestly, we are just friends.,

Do you have a girlfriend?

No, no. I am young, free and single!

What do you look for in a lady?
I like people being forward. Gosh, I don't know. I like strong people, 
chiselled abs... I don't know, I take what I can get!!

You have a huge amount of female fans, are you ever scared by them?
I had no idea people could get so obsessed. But it's not scary - it's amazing. People just project their idea of my character on to me and they just seem to assume that I'm the same, when in reality I'm not.

How comfortable are you with all the idol-like attention?
It's kind of weird, but I still haven't really had time to reflect on it because I've been doing stuff to do with Twilight and my other movies. I'm working constantly and I feel like I'm always surrounded by Twilight people - if not my work colleagues, then my fans. Right now it is fans - it's a little bizarre if I'm honest.

Have you had any weird fan experiences?
One time there were these four girls, in ChicagoI think, and they had all scratched their necks until they bled and then when they came up to me they had these bleeding scabs. It was gross!

What is the hardest part of being Edward Cullen?
Probably trying to be scary when you're supposed to be looking pretty at the same time.

Does it worry you that you may always be cast as a heart-throb?
I'm so surprised things have worked out the way they have, I just keep thinking the whole time, I don't really have the right personality to fit in to that kind of role. 
I'm not really afraid of it, though, because I don't really know how to play up that aspect of it.

Why do you think Twilight fans are more obsessed than Harry Potter... fans, Lord Of The Rings fans and Matrix fans?
I don't know, but they definitely are. There is this strange kind of connection that some people have to the books - it can be pretty extreme.
I think there are fans of Harry Potter... that are like that as well, but I guess this story is just so intimate that people think they really know the characters and can feel the emotions.

If you could live forever, like Edward Cullen, what would you do?
Probably learn to speak French. Or I might spend three weeks straight with no sleep learning the piano. You'd get really good at stuff because you would have time to do everything.

You have said that Edward is a little obsessive - are you surprised that girls think of Edward as the most perfect boyfriend ever?
It's weird, but girls always seem like that. Being a guy, you always just look at girls and think, why are you with that guy? With virtually anyone the nice guys always seem to come last. 
You always get weirdos like Edward who seem to attract women for some reason. If Edward wasn't a fictional character and you met him in reality he is like one of those guys who would probably be an axe murderer or something.


Källa: Twiligtnews.se


Robert i FRIDA

Självklart står det en hel del saker om Robert i FRIDA.  I det senaste Nummret som kom ut idag stod det detta:

"Det har varit många turer fram och tillbaka senaste tiden angående Joe Jonas kärleksliv. Efter att det tagit slut med Taylor Swift  har Joe dejtat skådisen Camilla Belle. men rykten säger att Twilight-stjärnan Robert Pattinson har lyckats stjäla henne från Joe. Enligt en källa ska hon ha tröttnat på att Joe är så snäll och att hon istället är ute efter mer äventyr med casanovan Robert"

Vad tycker ni om detta? Jag gillar det inte alls. Jag vill helst att han ska vara singel, men om någon ska ha honom är det Kristen.

Rob i Ellen DeGeneres Show !

Jag stängde precis av TV från att ha sett Rob i Ellen DeGeneres Show xD! Så söt han är ! (Som valigt !)
Haha! Jag förstår inte hur Rob inte kan tycka sin ruffsiga frisyr är sööt ! Eller det kan jag förstå man brukar ju inte ha ett sådant ego kanske men han är ju för söt i sin frisyr!

Men...Vad tycker ni om hans kallingar då ? Haha jag kan säga att jag skulle gärna vilja ha sådana boxer trosor xD Haha någon som håller med om det ?

Gulliga Rob

Om precis 10 minuter är vår heartbreaker Robert på TV!
Lite mer detaljerat på går showen kanal 5, 12:45! Missa det inte! :)
Programmet är såklart Ellen DeGeneres som ni ser under.
Det verkar som att Rob kommer få ett par snygga kallingar, haha!

Hahaha, Rob goes ghetto

haha, hittade den på robpattz. haha, så skön (;

Rob är klar med Remember Me!

Rob är nu klar med Remember Me :) 

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