You better tell us! ;)
Det går rykten om att Kristens & Roberts förhållande ska bekräftas, i december, vissa källor säger att det är sant, vissa falskt och vissa att det är ett PR trick osv..
Men då är det väl bara att vänta till december? ;)

"Looks like there's a big announcement brewing this December. And we're not talking about a royal wedding.
Men då är det väl bara att vänta till december? ;)

"Looks like there's a big announcement brewing this December. And we're not talking about a royal wedding.
Instead, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are apparently all set to announce their relationship officially in December. According to US gossip rag In Touch, the pair will be revealing all in an interview and photoshoot in Harpers Magazine. The pair have deined all suggestions of a relationship so far, but according to the magazine 'Rob and Kristen were relatively open about their relationship.'
So it looks like we might have the answer to one of the most hotly debated topics of 2009 in just a few more months... "
Text & bildkälla: twilightfans