Kiowa Intervju

Om Du har Tråkigt så får du nu Något intressant att läsa. Kiowa Som spelar Embry Call i The twilight saga talar om sin ursprung och inspelade scener (:

"MTV: The "Twilight" series has done a good job so far of hiring actual Native American actors to play the Quileute tribe. Can you tell us about your background?

Gordon: I am Hualapai. We are located in Northern Arizona, at the Grand Canyon. We own the Skywalk area. When I was growing up, my mom tried teaching us [the language], all my seven siblings and I. But we just laughed at her, because it sounded funny to us. Now, I'm kind of sad that I couldn't learn it, because it's a dying language. So, hopefully, I'll get to learn it sometime soon.

MTV: Do you have any scenes in "New Moon" with Kristen or Rob?

Gordon: No, nothing with Rob. We don't meet the vampires yet. We know [the Cullens], and we don't like them, so we don't like playing with them. But Kristen and Taylor, we have a couple scenes together."

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