Hayley Williams & Rob Pattinson!

"Eclipse - In theaters 06.30.10"
Alltså 30 Juni 2010!! Eclipse blir nog den coolaste filmen eller vad säger ni? :D

Urgrym "Fan-fic"
Ni vet storyn jag fyndade igår? Hon har iallafall utökat och skrivit nytt. Kapitel 1 är klart och hon har skrivit mer på Kapitel 2. Jag bara älskar hur hon skriver och fastnar direkt. Som om hon suger ner mig i berättelsen XD
Det är juh många som gillar Fan-fics så detta är verkligen ett måste! LÄSLÄSLÄS!
Klicka här så kommer du till kapitel 1...


NYTT KLIPP!! Från födelsedagen!
"Hey, don't hate the truck." hahahah!

Robert Pattinson gets scared!
källa | Thetwilights

New Moon trailer, sims style!
källa | Thetwilights

Cullens pratar om Halloween!

Nya NM-bilder!

Nya NM-posters!
För att fira Eclipse-inspelningens slut!
Jag firar det med er på samma sätt som David Slade genom att lägga ut denna nya bilden på Riley (Xavier Samuels).
Han är ju bara för snygg!

Svensk Twilight-tidning!
Loggade in på mailen och så låg dett i inkorgen:
Är du en av de som inte kan få nog av Twilight? Då ska du spana in den nya tidningen som bara handlar om
Tidningen, som utkommer idag, innehåller allt du vill veta om Twilight, stjärnorna och såklart de hetaste
ryktena om skådespelarna. Du får också veta hur du fixar Kristens snygga look och kan testa vem du gillar
bäst – Edward eller Jacob.
Dessutom kan du vinna massor av otroligt schyssta Twilightprylar och får heta Twilightpostrar på köpet.
Julia Stars Twilight ges ut av Egmont Kärnan AB, och kan köpas i välsorterade affärer.
Jag tror jag ska ta mig en tripp och köpa den faktist. Det är ju förhoppningsvis några posters i den och jag är galen i horoskop (a)
Scream Awards!
Scream Awards kommer att visas på Kanal 5 denna vecka! Taylor Lautner är där för att ta emot pris (ni kan se ett klipp på hemsidan. Galan brukar inte visas live utan filmas i förväg) och han presenterar bland annat nytt material från New Moon.
Scream Awards visas på natten till söndag (Lördag) kl 00:45 på Kanal 5! Läs mer på Kanal 5s hemsida här.
Ebba fyndar ny story!
"Dörren slogs upp och en sval bris drog genom hallen och ut till köket där en blek flicka med långt, mörkbrunt hår och ljusblåa ögon stod med en sliten bok i handen. Flickan tittade hastigt upp med ett skräckslaget uttryck i ansiktet, slog igen boken och slängde den på köksbänken.
”Jag är här inne!” ropade flickan åt pojken som sprungit in genom dörren.
Innan hon avslutat meningen hade han kommit in i köket. Hans perfekta ansikte var bara några decimeter från hennes. Han höll fram handen och tittade på henne med oroliga ögon. Flickan sträckte fram handen och lade den enkelt i hans. Som om den passade in där. Pusselbitar som gick ihop. Hon log ett leende men skräcken levde kvar i hennes ögon.
"De kommer aldrig ta dig ifrån mig" Sade han med en röst lenare än sammet.
Hon vände bort blicken och bet sig i underläppen.
"Jag är bara Mänsklig. Någon gång kommer jag försvinna." Svarade hon.
Det blev en kort tystnad och hon hörde hur han bet ihop.
"Då följer jag med dig." Sade pojken."
Klicka här för att komma till hennes blogg...

Swift talar om Lautner!
De börjar snacka om Taylor Lautner runt 4:30, Men se hela. Intervjun är underbar!
Älskar Taylor Swift, hoppas hon och Taytay är tsm. De skulle vara världens snällaste och gulligaste par!

Min älskade IDOL Dakota Fanning är med i filmen "Man on Fire" sätt på KANAL 5 NU så kanske ni hinner, ingen aning om vad den handlar om såg bara henne som typ.. 6-åring ^^
Haha den har precis bvörjat ;D
Är detta sant?
Vilken Twilight-hunk dejtar Taylor Swift?
( ) Kellan Lutz
( ) Robert Pattinson
( ) Taylor Lautner
Självklart syftar dem då på Taylor men dejtar dem? Kan inte två kändisar gå ut utan att det ses som en dejt?
Detta är urlöjligt, de borde inte dra förhastade slutsatser.
(Och kunde de inte tagit en lite snyggare bild på Rob??)

Glöm inte Tävlingen!
De tre första inläggen där ska ni kika in :D

HAHA kram

My life be like 'ooo, aaaa' ....
- NO-prov på måndagen efter lovet! Det går inte att banka in något i min hjärna hur mycket jag än pluggar!
- Jag vill & tänker börja på balett, (bara för att jag vill vara vig).
- Jag vill & tänker börja på cheerleading, yes. You heard me!
- Ska dra till ett av mina prao ställen för att få en lapp på fylld.
- Rakpermanenta mitt hår med min vän runt v.46 eller v.47
Vad har du i din Trailer?

The Making of the Wolfpack

New Moon Kissing scene!
Ännu ett till klipp från New Moon. Räcker det inte snart?

Vad gör dem mellan tagningarna?

Ashleys favorit-scen i New Moon!
Nytt roligt Robstew spel!
Klicka här för att spela spelet!

Källa | Thetwilightsagaa

New Moon reklam i USA!

To you

Good morning!
You got to help me

You got to help me!


Dagens fråg(or)!

Listen & judge
Fan made, .. or?


Normal habit.

The thought counts
Kellan på omslaget av Doggie!

“She looked me in the eyes, bowed and slowly and softly licked my open hand. As I pet this beautiful dog I realized how soft her multi-colored coat was, and felt her desperation for a real home. Our connection was so strong that it was like fate bringing us together. I knew she was the one.”
Aaaww! :')
Så har människan som driver NMM.org skrivit såhär: "Someone pass me a tissue quick! I don’t know what Carlisle is teaching them Cullen boys, but he needs to teach “how to court a girl 101″ "
HAHAHAAH! Vilken sköning XD
Paul (Alex Meraz) Intervju
There must have been some fierce competition for those four new werewolf roles. What was the audition process like and how did you finally land the role of Paul?
It was an intense process. When I received the call for submissions, I had already started working out because I knew it would be physically demanding. After a couple rounds of callbacks, I was lucky enough to land a role.
What can you tell us about Paul?
Paul is the “bad boy” of the wolf pack. He comes across as volatile, but I think he’s misunderstood. He is just very proud of being Quilete and is unapologetic about being a protector for his people.
Did you and Taylor get at all competitive in terms of shirtless attributes?
First day I met Taylor I overheard him ask Edi Gathegi [who plays Laurent] if I was bigger than him. Edi answered, “He’s just wider”. I teased him about overhearing it and from there we became gym buddies and shared workout tips with each other.
Are you prepared for the hoard of female fans you’re about to gain?
Bring it on.
How did you approach the role in terms of playing a werewolf? Did you do any kind of research or physical prep?
I looked at books on wolf pack mentalities and how the chain of command is governed by looks and postures, so I wanted to use some of those attributes in playing my role.
Did you feel any pressure playing a character in a franchise with such die-hard fans?
I felt more responsibility to the Quilete tribe than anything because I wanted to represent their tribe in a respectful manner. I’ve been fortunate enough to find out that the die-hard fans are extremely supportive.
What do you like to do during your free time?
Paint, spend time with my family, and workout.
What are some of your favorite movies?
Fight Club, Only the Strong, Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, Ninja Scroll, Ong-Bak, Amores Perros, City of God, Apocalypto, and District 9.
Lite humor!

Dagens fråga!

Tack till alla läsare!
Hoppas att ni gillar att läsa det vi skriver och att vi skriver om rätt saker (;
Puss på er alla! <3

En för Team Edward och en för Team Jacob! Samma regler & Instruktioner gäller. Klicka här för att läsa dom...
Klicka här för att se hela designen...

Min nya Twid!
vill ha konstruktiv kritik och massa kommentarer! Berätta vad ni tyckte liksom! ;)
Ni kan kolla in mina andra videos och min profil på Youtube om du klickar HÄR !
puss på er alla! (;

WOHO! Håll ögonen öppna...
Jag blev så otroligt grymt nöjd med den så det inte är sant! Så nu är jag megaöverlycklig! Och den funkar utan att filen är knasig! Heja mig!!

Good news :)

Eclipse loggan!!

Ännu mer new moon!

Rathbone talar om Lautner!
BOSTON — Taylor Lautner and the 30 new pounds of muscle he put on to play Jacob Black in "New Moon" have already spawned numerous excited fan reaction videos on the Net. But co-star Jackson Rathbone thinks that when the actual movie comes out, Lautner's physique isn't what's going to set the ladies' hearts
"Nikki Reed keeps telling everybody, and I think it's true, yeah, [Lautner's] got his shirt off, an
d he looks good with his shirt off, but you look at those eyes. You really do," he told MTV News when we caught up with him on the set of his indie film, "Girlfriend."
Rathbone admitted to watching a fan's video reaction to the first trailer, in which we see a shirtless Lautner transform into a wolf for the first time. "You can't hear the rest of the [trailer] because it's just screams and screams. I think they were happy screams," Rathbone joked.
But looks aren't all the 17-year-old actor has going for him. Rathbone said Lautner's performance in the film was enough to sway half the cast and crew over to Team Jacob. Rathbone, who plays vampire Jasper Hale, didn't want to disclose his allegiance, though he hinted, "I'm all for my brother."
The growing relationship between Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Jacob is a pivotal part of "New Moon." And though Edward's role has been beefed up despite his physical absence from much of the story, Lautner had big shoes to fill as he stepped into the leading man role.
"Taylor Lautner really stands out in this film, and I think people are going to be really blown away by his performance," Rathbone said. "You have these great moments that Jacob just completely is winning over Bella. And it's just beautiful to see it. It's all in their eyes."
RPattz intervju!
How was it reuniting with Kristen Stewart for New Moon?
"There’s a natural chemistry going on with Kristen. Even doing this sequel, it’s so easy…
I was really worried that I wouldn’t know how to do it again, but it’s so easy to play off her.
She always says that she pretty much got me the part – though I don’t really believe her!"
What sort of arc does Edward go through this time?
"He’s always talking in the first one. “I need to make the right decision. I need to do stuff for you, for you, for you.” And he makes a decisive move, which is to leave her, and he completely believes it’s for her own good.
But in his heart, he obviously realises it’s completely wrong. And it takes him the whole movie to realise the profundity of his mistake. So that’s what his arc his.
The world forces him to realise he needs to be with Bella, and there’s no way around it"
So New Moon takes a similar serious approach to teen love as Twilight?
"I think no one really knew what we were working with when Twilight happened.
And because of the in-roads we made in saying it’s not going to be a typical teen film or a sappy love story, it does allow us in the second one to have a certain degree of seriousness. Even more so."
Chris Weitz is your new director on New Moon. How has that been?
"I really love Chris. Not only is he a good director, he’s a great guy. God, I sound like such an arse-kisser! But he actually is.
He didn’t really try and change anything. He saw what me and Kristen were doing and worked within the realms of that."
Do you feel trapped in a Twilight box?
"Not really. I guess I have no choice right now – because I’m contracted to do them. But they’re all going to be done quite quick.
I’ll have done three of the four by October of this year, then I’ll only have one more to do."
The obvious comparison is Harry Potter… Do you think this is easier to make though?
"I guess it is. The Harry Potter I worked on was an 11 month shoot. I couldn’t be doing that.
I don’t know how those guys stayed sane – they’ve been doing it for 10 years. I would go completely crazy"
Have you talked to Daniel Radcliffe about this sudden fame?
"I haven’t talked to him in a while. I guess you try and stay Zen about it. You have to just learn to accept it.
I guess the whole thing is, you don’t want to wake up one day and realise you’ve turned into someone who you weren’t before and it wasn’t your choice.
That’s the only scary thing. It’s always really up to you. Most of the time, you can control it to a degree."
What are the positives?
"Some of my friends who I grew up with are musicians and they’re involved with the Twilight soundtrack. It’s amazing what’s happened to them.
They’re doing tours of America and selling out every single show. It’s insane what you can do with that connection.
The Twilight fans are like… I don’t even think ‘devoted’ is the right word. They’re fanatical."
It must be hard to deal with…
"It is, kind of. But you just learn to deal with it. There’s no point in being negative. If you keep going, “I hate this, I hate this”, you can’t stop it.
I was always trying to hide at the beginning of the year, but I have nothing to hide anyway!"
Do you get stopped everywhere now?
"Yeah. In weird little places… I went up to Yorkshire and I was walking down a street in Guisborough and there was one person on the street.
I looked up for one second and they said, “Hey, can I get a photo of you?” How can you have immediate recognition in Guisborough? That was very strange!"
What about all this stuff on the internet, all the gossip about you…
"I don’t really care. Everybody in my life knows what’s real and what isn’t. Apart from my mother, who seems to believe every negative thing that’s written about me!
She’s like, “I can’t believe you did this!” I’m like, “I didn’t!” And she’s like, “Yes, you did, I know you did!""
What did your mum tick you off about?
"It was about swearing! I said, “I wasn’t even in the city” and she was, “I bet you did say that!”
She’ll literally believe a gossip magazine over her own son."
And don't forget, you can get more Pattinson goodness in our massive New Moon feature, in the latest issue of Total Film. It's on-sale Thursday and looks a lot like this... Swoon!
Mer New moon!
Några nya repliker osv.
Bara jag som tycker det låter konstigt när Alice säger "You're a human. Who knows entierly to much about vampires" istället för "You're a human. Who knows entierly to much about us"

Ny Intervju med Charlie Brewley!

Nu har vi ÄNTLIGEN en bloggdesign här på bloggen! Och vi gjorde som en av våra läsare tipsade om och la in lite rött i den, jag ber verkligen om ursäkt för att det tog en sådan tid men jag har iaf gjort klart den nu och den sitter snyggt och prydligt här på bloggen!
//Bloggdesignen är gjord av mig (W I L M A)
Glöm inte Tävlingen!
Nytt event på G i skandinavien!
Dock är det bara Jared (i The Wolfpack) som spelas av Bronson Pelletier som kommer vara där och signera autografer. Men Några från andra kända fantasty-filmer kommer vara där. Bland annat Natalia Tena (Tonks i Harry Potter), Josh Herdman (Crabbe i Harry Potter) och John Rhys-Davies (Gimli i Sagan om ringen).
klicka här för att besöka sidan...


Lite svar till era frågor !
Svar: Jag är femton, Linda 14 och Wilma 11 (Ifall jag minns rätt)
Kommer ni att skriva vem som vinner bloggdesignen, här i bloggen?
svar: självklart. Och vinnaren får också ett mejl :)
Lite skoj ;)


På röda mattan finner vi...
klicka på bilden under för att se fler...

Hela fightingscenen! (big spoilers)

Taylor tar emot pris!
Lite mer new moon!! spoilers!

Ang. kommentarer!
Fågor ställda:
vilken tid & biograf?
Svar: 21:30 på Heron City (sotckholm) (:
om man är under 15, får man gå ändå om man har en förälder med sig?
svar: tyvär inte :( på sf.se står det "barnförbjuden, man måste ha fyllt 15 år för att få se filmen, oavsett sällskap."
Dagens fråga!

New moon - 20 november!


Är så jekla glad nu så det inte är helt sant. Ska gå med mamma och min syster. Fick inte världens bästa platser men är glad iaf (;

Ny tävling!
Priset är inget mindre än en fin bloggdesign gjord av mig (Ebba)! :D
(Designen funkar endast på blogg.se)
För att delta ska du göra detta:
1. Skriv ett mail ([email protected]) och berätta varför just du ska vinna, Vilket team du är med i (Edward el Jacob), vem som är din favoritfigur i The Twilight Saga och Självklart vad din blogg heter ;)
2. Länka där också till det inlägget som bekräftar att du är med i tävlingen.
3. Vänta och se vad som händer (;
Tävlingen avslutas 1 November 20:00 ! :D
Klicka här för att se hur hela bloggen blir!

OMG! jagdör!

Ebba gone Vamp :D
Visst är det Coolt?! :D
Ebba Pillar i Photoshop
Snart ska jag göra en tävling!!! :D
Då kommer någon vinna en snygg bloggdesign jag gjort. För tillfället är jag en lärling. Men jag snvänder 3 st bildprogram så ni behöver inte oroa er. De kommer bli bra (: <3

hinner inte skriva mer nu!
OMG! En månad kvar!

Dagens citat!
"So did you stab Edward Cullen with a pencil or what?" - Mike Newton, Twilight
Taylor Lautner på Scream Awards

New Moon bilder ramlar in
Dessa bilder är New Moon board game cards. Alltså spelkort till New Moon- spelet.
New Moons Nya Poster + Bella-Headshot!

KStew Haters ?

Sneak-peek! :O

Dagens bild!
Men han är ju för söt ^.^

Wolfpack på språng !
Jared (Killen längst till höger) kör på värsta posen x)

Två nya upphittade NM-bilder
Jag gillar inte Alices kofta, Den ser lite för.. Tantig ut XD

Under The Birthday scene kommer förmodligen ...
Tjejen är asjobbig -.-

Anna Kendrick får Rising Star Award
Anna Kendrick (aka Jessica Stanley) presenterades på Palm Springs International Film Festival Rising Star Award. Anna pratade om att arbeta med George Clooney (!!!) i hennes nya film "Up in the Air" och diskuterade även Twilight och New Moon (:
Nya bilder från New Moon! Igen!

Riley looking good!
kidding.. HE'S BLOODY HOTT!! (lite blodhumor)


SERIÖÖÖÖÖST! X'''''''''''''''''''''D

OMG! Dom har gjort slut? :O
Så dom har gjort slut? :D
WOHO!!!!! Var detta längesen eller? jag har nog inte fått in detta i min tröga hjärna XD

The Vampire Diaries - Urgrymt!
Sitter just nu och tittar på första avsnittet. Musiken är bara för grym!
Redan innan 22 minuter av programmet har tre bra låtar kommit:
Say (all i need) - OneRepublic
Thinking of you - Katy Perry
Running up that hill - Placebo
Så håll i hatten och titta på det ifall det kommer på TV :D

New Moon soon ;)

Snygg fan art!

Min nya kärlek ;)
Jag tittar på True Blood via Internet (Tack Linda för den grymma hemsidan!)
Är på Season 2 Episode 8. Detta har inget med Twilight att göra men det har något med Vampyrer att göra så ni som dissar True blood och säger "detta är en Twilight-blogg, skriv om Twilight" kan bara rulla ner och icke läsa detta (;
Ett enstaka inlägg dör väl inte ni "jag tycker bara om twilight och inget annat över huvud taget"-människor av (:
Ha det ;)

The Meadow! Offical Soundtrack!
Kan verkligen tänka mig den här låten vid den scenen :)

AAAW! :')

Ebba goes sadface :(
Gjorde klart min urgrymma Twid men se bara under vad som händer när jag ska ladda upp den som hel efter att ha klippt och fixat :(
Annars är den juh bra, och jag älskar låten! Men skit i det gröna och titta ovanför det så funkar det nog :)
(Det är film-filen det är fel på)
Första Eclipse-bilden!

Nya New Moon Stills!
Ny Bild!
Hittade denna bilden på Twilight-Twittern. Jacob, Bella och Edward.
Är den från Eclipse kanske måntro?
Eller är det Edward som en hallucination?
Vad tror ni?
Summit's officiella Twilight-Twitter!
För att besöka sidan, klicka här! Där finns mycket intressant att läsa och klicka sig till (:
Sökväg: http://twitter.com/Twilight

Intervju med Ashley Greene
TSR.com: What was your first
impression of Twilight when you
AG: I never thought is would be
something as big, as huge at it is. Twilight
is like WOW. I thought it was going to be
great and everything, I thought it was going
to be something like Scary Movie-famous,
but I never thought it was going to be
this big, like… don’t know… Harry Potter-
famous. Transformers… don’t know.
I don’t know if you get my idea, but is
awesome being part of something like
Twilight and the Saga.
TSR.com: What’s your favorite book in the series?
AG: I’m between New Moon and Eclipse. But I love them all.
TSR.com: Are you Team Edward or team Jacob?
AG: Ughhhh… harsh. I really really adore Rob and Edward’s awesome, but I’m Team Jacob. Is just… You gotta love Taylor, he plays an amazing Jacob, so… my heart belongs to him. Hahaha!
TSR.com: Are there any traits or similarities between yourself and Alice?
AG: We’re both tiny. Hahaha! Well, Alice’s one happy kid, and I’m a happy person too. I’m like smiling all the time and I really don’t like to see people sad so, I make them laugh and everything. I’m really into fashion, but Alice kick my butt x10 times. She’s a fashionista and I love it. I love her fashion sense and, I want her closet!
TSR.com: What’s been your favorite scene to film so far?
AG: High school graduation. I loved it. It made me remember my graduation.
TSR.com: We know that a lot of acting on a TV or movie is waiting. Do you have one particular activity you like to do while waiting?
AG: Call my mom. Or any of my friends. Or talk to my friends thru AIM. Actually, I talk. To everyone. Oh! And annoy Rob. That’s my favorite thing to do.
TSR.com: Also it was obvious that the cast seem to be very tight. Do you guys have fun behind the scenes or is it a fairly serious atmosphere? Do you have any behind the scenes stories you’d like to share?
AG: We’re all like brothers and sisters, so we’re having fun all the time. Funny stories? Well, there’s a lot. But one funny thing we’re always doing with Kellan, Jack and Xavier is annoy Rob singing Katy Perry or Miley’s songs. We suck as singers, so we freak him out terribly.
TSR.com: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time (if you have any!)?
AG: Hahahaha! We’re always going to Starbucks with Jackson or going shopping with the girls. And we’re going to have dinner with the cast on weekends, or go to concerts. We always find something fun to do together.
TSR.com: Do you ever visit fan sites to read about yourself or Twilight?
AG: Sometimes. I don’t have plenty of time to check out every page, but sometimes I read some cute notes and everything. All the pages are really respectful and I’m really thankful of that.
Dagens bild!

VÄLDIGT VIKTIGT! Ifall vi inte hittar lokal blir det ju inget :'(

Run for your life Riley! (Spoilervarning)
Vi alla vet nog vilken scen detta är (:
Detta kommer nämligen att vara öppningsscenen för när Riley blir jagad av Victoria nere vid hamnen och senare blir biten av henne och blir vampyr.
Yeup, längtar som fasiken<3
(se video här)

Källa | twilightmovie

Dagens låt!
"Soon i know i'll wake from this drem,
Don't try to fix me i'm broken"
Dagens citat! (New Moon spoiler)
Var? Det fanns inget annat än mörker, ingenstans att simma.
"Sluta!" befallde han. "Våga inte ge upp!"
Det kalla vattnet bedövade mina armar och ben. Jag kände inte stötarna like tydligt längre utan snurrade bara hjälplöst runt i vattnet.
Men jag lyssnade på honom. Jag tvingade mig själv att sträcka ut armarna, att sparka hårdare med benen, men eftersom jag hela tiden vändes åt olika håll hjälpte det inte alls. Vad tjänade det till?
"Kämpa!" skrek han. "Fortsätt kämpa, Bella!"

( Långt citat men jag kunde inte sluta :'( )

Dagens Fråga!

5 Nya Outtakes på Rob från VF!
källa | Twilightsweden
Robert on air folks ;)

Ryan Seacrest är skön

Jag skulle varit ganska rädd, haha

Rapattack åt en Twilighttjej

Night reading.
It was bliss sitting like this. I could all day; in the arms of the one I loved. There was an unspoken bond between us two. He was mine forever. Where we were concerned, there was no other. There never was or would be. At least, that’s what I thought.
“I loved your mother once.”
“I loved her Nessie, more than anyone knows; everyone thought it was an infatuation. It wasn’t. It was love.”
I pulled myself from Jacob’s grip. Why was he telling me this? Jacob, my Jacob.
“Why are you telling me this Jacob?”
“I just thought you should know.”
I can’t believe he thought I wanted to know this. I knew he had a thing for my mother Bella when he was younger. But I didn’t realise how deep the feeling was.
“Did you love her like you love me?”
“Nothing can compare to the way I feel about you. I imprinted you Nessie.”
I jumped up and started pacing. Then it hit me.
“Yeah, exactly. You imprinted. You fell in love with my mother by your own accord. Obviously that means you wanted her more than you want me. You’re forced to love me, you chose to love her. That makes the way you felt about her more real and – “
“Nessie,” Jacob said softly and huskily, “Even if I didn’t imprint on you I’d still love you.”
“No, don’t do this Jacob. You hated me when I was born; I know that, because I was going to kill Bella!” Tears were starting to well in my eyes, threatening to fall down my cheek. “If you didn’t imprint and if Edward hadn’t been able to turn her, you’d want me dead. You’d want nothing to do with me. No one would.” The truth I’d been keeping in had slipped.
Jacob held me from behind and nuzzled my neck.
“Imprinting was fate Nessie. We were meant for each other. You’re not a monster; you wouldn’t be even if Bella wasn’t turned.” He soothed.
“I don’t care Jacob!” I tried to wrestle from the solid cage his arms made around me. He was too strong. So I did something I hadn’t done since I was only a few months old. I bit him.
He let go of me, in pain, he held his arm with his hand.
“What the hell Nessie? He shouted, the cuts already closing up.
“See, I’m a monster. I hurt people. I hurt you Jacob and I don’t want to, but I do. You know I have a temper, like my dad. If I got angry enough with you, I’d want to hurt you, and then you’d have to hurt me to stop me. And you wouldn’t be able to do that. And you know why?”
He was staring at me, with soft, chocolate brown eyes that seemed to bore into my soul. If I had one that is.
“Why?” His voice was soft.
“Because you love me.” My voice cracked and I cried.
He walked cautiously over to me. He held me in his arms, softly, but hard enough for me to feel safe.
“I’ll never leave you. Never. You know that, wherever you go, so do I.”
I looked up at him, tears glistening on my face. He kissed them away, and I buried my face in his neck as he stroked my hair.
“I love you.”
“I know... I love you too.”
The first time we had said that out loud. Love for Jacob was a feeling I couldn’t remember not having. It felt good to say it to him.
He smiled cheekily and brushed my face with his knuckles and our faces leaned in and our lips met, as he cupped my face in his warm hands. It was an innocent kiss. But one filled with promise. A promise of forever and ever.
He was my Jacob.
/ Linda
Damn it.
Ja, .. nu är det dags att återgå till pluggandet..
Erkänn att jag lyckas se ledsen ut? ;)

Det är en handduk virad omkring mitt huvud, blött hår kallas det .. =D
Japp, prov på måndag!
Let's go, hey ho!
Jag är inte lika taggad som jag låter, men .. någonstans måste man ju börja? ;)
/ Linda
Dagens bild

Taylor Lautner, Rolling Stone Photo Shoot
/ Linda
Halloween inköp.
Men här är ett recept! :)
Halloween kakor med spindlar:
16-18 kakor med fyllning och överdrag av chocklad
16-18 små vita godisar
1 dl florsocker
2 1/2 tsk citronsaft eller vatten
Blanda florsocker och 2 1/2 tsk saft eller vatten samman till en slät smet. Smeten ska inte rinna. Spritsa spindelben på kakor och lägg en godis i mitten. I bilden ser du hur kakorna ser ut. Låt torkas.

Gott eller inte? .. vem vet? ;)
Någon som ska testa?
/ Linda
Dagens fråg(or)

Tell me! =D Behöver idéer ..

Äckligt är ordet jag finner för denna sminkning.
/ Linda
You better tell us! ;)
Men då är det väl bara att vänta till december? ;)

"Looks like there's a big announcement brewing this December. And we're not talking about a royal wedding.
Instead, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are apparently all set to announce their relationship officially in December. According to US gossip rag In Touch, the pair will be revealing all in an interview and photoshoot in Harpers Magazine. The pair have deined all suggestions of a relationship so far, but according to the magazine 'Rob and Kristen were relatively open about their relationship.'
So it looks like we might have the answer to one of the most hotly debated topics of 2009 in just a few more months... "
Text & bildkälla: twilightfans
då pluggning drar igång.. inget att se framemot egentligen..
Men vad annars ska man göra en oplanerad stressig lördag?
Har du också känt behovet av att behöva ersätta något med Twilight?
Om du har som jag, läst böckerna såååå många gånger att du kan väldigt mycket utan till - har du förmodligen känt att det inte ''tillfredställt'' ditt twilight behov, det gör det i alla fall inte på mig längre, sen ett tag tillbaka..
Jag kände ett starkt behov av att behöva ersätta Twilight med något, något som fortfarande kunde påminna mig om vackra vampyrer, starka vargar, underbara människor .. Desperat letade jag efter att finna något, vad som helst!
Det var då jag börja läsa twilight-bloggar, fanfics med mera ... Jag kunde i princip kalla det ''Mina dagliga doser av Twilight''.
Till slut hittade jag vad jag sökte, två serier som äntligen tillfredställde mitt stora twilight behov, två serier om vampyrer, precis som twilight. Lite halvt baserat på vampyrer sådär..
Därför tänkte jag dela med mig om dessa två serier & vart man kan kolla på dem på internet, så ni kanske kan tillfredställa erat behov! =)
Serie 1. True Blood
Vet att många redan känner till denna serie, men de som inte gett denna serie en ärlig chans, borde testa igen.
Den är väldigt bra, det finns redan 2 säsonger ute på internet som du kan ''klunka'' i dig, ca 14 avsnitt på varje säsong, (tredje säsongen är på väg!!).
Visst finns det en hel del äckliga scener, men enligt mig gör det ingenting, det handlar om några få minuter sammanlagt, under dem kan du dra till köket & hämta något att äta/dricka, eller välja att bara kolla bort?
Jag menar.. vilka filmer har inte äckliga scener nu för tiden? ( -.- )

Serie 2. The vampires diaries
Skit bra serie! Dock är den fortfarande bara inne på första säsongen.. =)

Vampyren Stefan, Elena & Stefans bror (som också är vampyr - men ondskefull).
Här kan ni se dessa två serier:
/ Linda
'bänkaru me?' ;)
Vad har ni laddat med? :)
Själv har man laddat med...

Pringles, yummie! Skulle varit ''tummen upp'' men min tumme vägra tydligen, haha..
Imorn blir det då löpning/konditionsträning, om jag inte vill att allt sött jag äter ska fastna på kroppen!
(äter för mycket godsaker för ofta, om ni bara visste..)
/ Linda
HTTP://TWILIGHTLOVERS.BLOGG.SE har gjort en tävling där man kan vinna posters! Och självklart är det inte vilka posters som hälst NEJ NEJ utan TWILIGHT POSTERS!
Bra eller bättre?
//W I L M A
Love it! xD
Ang. Halloween-festen!
För det första vill jag Tacka " Nea " för hennes tips. Det uppskattas verkligen! :D
Jag vill verkligen hålla den här festen. men här kommer problemen:
- Var skulle vi vara?
- Vem kan anordna detta med mig?
- Hur många skulle vara intresserade?
- Vem När ska det börja och sluta?
- Hur länge ska vi hålla på?
Halloween-fest i stockholm?
Alla kommer utklädda till något läskigt, och så har man trevligt (:
Det skulle vara jättekul, men jag vet inte riktigt hur man fixar ihop sådant?
Någon som kanske och vill hjälpa mig utveckla denna idé? Snälla hör av dig (:

Några screen-caps från musik-videon!
Min Aro-man på Late Late show!!

Show up at the party as Edward Cullen! XD


Meet me on the Equinox - Musik video!
Här ser vi bland annat lite nya New Moon Scener! VILL HA NOVEMBER NU! :'(

Tävling hos TwilightWorld
Kunde tyvär inte kopiera bilden men klicka här för att se den .
Jag är då med i en tävling (IGEN) hos samma underbara blogg, http://twilightworld.blogg.se !
Fast denna gång gäller det en EDWARD CULLEN AFFISCH!
Jag VANN ju förra tävlingen men jag sitter ändå och hoppas på en till liten (STOR) vinst!
Så gör som jag och checka in deras blogg genom att klicka här!
hahah, Sköningar på Twicon

Your messing with wrong girl, your messing with wrong girl!
Nja, så är inte fallet direkt.. men en irreterande person bråkar med fel person, mig ;)
Detta var dagens dos av inlägg! :)
Inget bra på tv idag, suck! Då blir det bara plugg...
/ Linda <3
Kristen on ALLURE

källa: twifans
/ Linda <3
Dagens bild

/ Linda <3
Good & bad news
Dem bra är:
* Fick ett starkt VG på matteprovet idag (trots att jag är jättedålig på matte + att jag var super osäker)
* Fick MVG på en filmanalys (i sv)
* Fick MVG på en filmrecension (i sv)
Den dåliga är:
*SO prov (v.42, nästa alltså) - mer plugg! 'suck'
Trots mina bra betyg hitills, så måste jag forsätta plugga till provet = inget bloggande.
Men för mina bra betyg bjuder jag på några inlägg innan jag pluggar igen! :)
/ ''Linda'' <3
Robert kanske gör musik till Eclipse!!
Intervju med våran HUNK! :D
Robert Pattinson ofc!
De snackar om lite olika saker. Han verkar så smart (;
Last time we saw you, Twilight was about to be released and you said you didn’t know what to expect of the movie, and that everybody was looking forward to it. After all the success and box office numbers, how do you feel?
It’s very strange. I can say that everything has happened very fast. Like I’m fast-forwarding through life. Like everything around me is happening at 1000 m/p. The way you fast-forward a movie, just like that. I never thought the movie would cause such a stir. Seeing girls screaming around me is so bizarre. Sometimes I can’t believe is all about me. It’s like I’m living inside a movie, but I wake up and it’s all real. I see that it’s real and how much my life has changed. I still don’t know in which ways my life has changed, I’m still figuring that out. And I don’t know why but I think it’s going to take me a long time to figure it out. I guess it’s normal, don’t you think?
Of course! But we can’t deny that you’re already such a phenomenon by yourself. You have fans waiting for your next movie and wondering what you’re up to. Are you aware of that?
Yes, in fact, that’s the most strange part of it. For instance, I haven’t been able to see the final cut of New Moon, and I’ve read so many comments and opinions about it already. It’s something I can’t understand. It’s like everyone else can read into your future or, like they have more information of your life than you do.
Does that generate any pressure for you? Has it affected your work or changed you freedom in doing other things, or taking chances for fear of not acomplishing what others expect of you?
Honestly, no. In that sense I feel like I’m the same person i’ve always been and I feel I have all the freedom in the world. I’m still doing my job as best as I can, and most importantly, I still enjoy it. I admit that I do feel more safe in movie sets that on the streets. I never thought that one day that would happen, but I feel that in movie sets I can be myself, and be more relaxed and focused on what I have to do. When I go out for a walk, I have to be aware of everything that’s around me and that’s out of my control. On a familiar set at least you know what to expect most of the times (laughs).
Does it affect you what tabloids say about you and seeing yourself in the cover of these magazines?
Not at all. I don’t like to read them or be aware of what they say. At all. It’s something I avoid completely. I do my work, live my life and follow my intuitions. I make my decisions the best way that I can and that’s it. If you pay attention to any of that, you’ll lose. I’m aware of that and I try to be very careful about it. I try to live away from that, saving my self disgusts and headaches.
In Twilight we got to see some sexual tension between Bella and Edward. That’s something very enigmatic. Will that continue in the rest of the movies?
I don’t think there was sexual tension, nor do I think that that’s the focus of the movies. I don’t see it that way. I think it’s a stroy about what it means to commit to a feeling and to the person that you love. Above all, it’s about finding someone to love despite having to fight so many problems that might show up. What hooks you about the movie, I’m convinced about it, is that it talks about the fear of what can happen to you if you fall in love and give yourself away completely. Realising how far you can go for love, passion and being amazed by it. People identify with it more than you can imagine. To me it’s not even a story about vampires, but about feelings that we’ve all felt before. It talks about the fear of feeling those things. It’s a movie with so many meanings, that’s why I like it and I think that’s why people like it too.
Tell about how you can’t expect what’s going to happen when you go out.
Yes, it’s something I’m still taking in. I’m plain, I like normal things. But now there’s rumors about the places I like to visit, and I can’t go to those places anymore. One time I tried. I wanted to celebrate my birthday on the same place I always go to, and it was a total failure, There was so many people, I couldn’t have a good time. From that point on, I try to avoid places where I can be seen and become the object of paparazzi and curious people. I also avoid the hip, famous places where people think I might be at. I’ve changed them for darker places, those dodgy places where there’s good food and music. It’s sounds crazy, but I’ve had to develope strategies to go out with my friends and have a normal life. It’s the dark side of fame. But I don’t complain. I just asume that I have to deal with it now. Not everything can be perfect. I have so much already, having the oportunity of living from acting. It would be unfiar to say that I’m unlucky.
There are actors who would die to be in your shoes. Would you say that it’s a double life? The one that you live in front of the cameras, in red carpets and the one you live intimately?
Yes. In the end you have your real life and the one they make up in inteviews, not caring if what they’re saying is true or false. What’s true is that I’m too normal and I give them no material to write, so I’m an easy prey for make up stories. I should go wild and do crazy things so they have something to write about. My flaw for those tabloids is that I’m too calm and quiet (laughs).
And in those moments of intimacy and privacy, is it true hat you like to play the guitar? What do you do when you’re by yourself?
I do play the guitar. I have friends in Vancouver and I get together with them to play the guitar, listen to music. We spend the nights singing and swapping stories. I also do that when I’m at hotels. It’s relaxing. Music is my other passion. I hope I never leave it.
Speaking of passion and music, we know you write songs. What can you share about it?
I’m trying to write some songs for the next movie. I don’t know if it will be possible because of my schedule, but I want to do it. Music is the other side of me, it’s one of the things that complete me and I wouldn’t want to leave it aside for anything in the world. I have the intention of evolving in that aspect. It’s something I want to develope just as much as acting. I want to have a balance between those two things.
What other artistic endeavours are you interested in?
I always wanted to be a pianist and live in the south of France (laughs). But I’ve learned that it’s not important how you do things, but the final outcome. In life you always end up doing what you like. And nothing completes you more than that.
Do you have a spiritual side?
I believe in Karma. I believe it exists and whatever you do in your everyday life makes the eprson that you are. What you give in life comes back to you. I’m convinced of that, so I’m sure that everyday you have to be a good person and treat everyone with respect. We’re all connected.
We know you can’t say much about New Moon, but don’t leave before you tell us, did you have to go to some place dark to play this vampire again?
Yes, the truth is that the way I wanted to play Edward was less powerful. He’s a character that can’t change his condition, he didn’t choose his fate. He was unconcious when Carlisle turned him into a vampire. When he woke up, three days later, he realized that in oder to survive he would have to kill people. Imagine what would you feel like if you knew you would never grow old and that you would live forever. And what’s worse, you didn’t look for it. You become a sort of Superman without even wanting to be that, you were just a 17 year old kid. You must feel a huge impotence and frustration. Instead of believeing you’re hero, you’re a person who can’t find himself and doesn’t know who he is. Understanding that has been fundamental in understanding Edward. That very human side of him is what I love about him and I feel like I can relate to that. There’s something we all find hard to change and face about ourselves.
Dagens fråga!

Nya bilder på några cast-members! ;)
KILLEN ÄR HOTT! Pax för honom! och Edward! och Jazz! och Carlisle! och Aro! :D
Nejmen först ser vi Billy Black, sen Quil Ateara, sen Mike Newton och sen snyggingen (;

Nya outtakes!
Här är iallafall nya outtakes (;

Dagens Bild + Citat, *lite SPOLIER BILD*

Hej jag heter Aro och jag är typ ascool!
Lite nya Scener! :o

Dagens Fråga!
Dagens citat!

Varulvar äter muffins (:
(ni vet då Paul och Jacob slåss, haha)

Alex meraz har skaffat Twitter!
"Icing my wrist after last week's event. Was teaching Taylor how to do upside down pushups which ended in me falling over injuring myself."
"Just bought the wolf pack bookmark. Does that make me vain?"
Awi, Gyllig soom fasiken (:

Twilight Trailer

Emilys ärr - så här ser det ut!
Jag trodde det skulle vara grovare :S
Och ärr går väl inte inåt? det buktar väl typ utåt?
hmmm... nåt å tänka på ;)

I en nyligen tagen photoshoot för MTV's nya reality serie Styl'd där stylisten var tvungen att ha en photoshoot i Grand View Cemetery (kyrkogård) i Los Angeles, ställde Alex Meraz upp som motiv. Men inte som varg denna gången som han mest är känd för, utan som motsatsen ... vampyr.
Varnar för obehagliga bilder!
MUMS, vem vill inte ha lite smaskiga vampyrbilder?!
Källa | TwilightMovie
Dagens Bild och Citat

"I’ve never been sorry that I saved Edward", Carlisle Cullen, New Moon.
ÅÅh min bäste Carlisle, det skulle inte jag heller göra ;)

Nya designen
Ni ska få säga vad ni tycker om designen, om jag ska ta bort något, lägga till något, ändra färger osv.
Ni kan skriva det i ett kommentar eller skicka det tll våran mejl [email protected] !

Nya New Moon bilder!
Okej joo det kan jag det är bara något man säger, men här har ni nya helt underbara bilder från new moon!
Jag tror ni kan räkna ut vilken bild som tillhör vilken scen. Eller? ^^

Oj oj, jag har säkert hälften kvar så jag orkar verkligen inte lägga in alla men klicka här så kommer ni till alla+den andra hälften (;
Det ärolika mappar så ni får klicka på vilken ni vill och så kommer ni till några bilder, sen kan ni gå tillbaka och ta resten. Hänger ni med xD?

Hi & bye
Ebba, jag hoppas du hade det roligt igår kväll, och jag vill säga förlåt för att jag hur jag betedde mig, jag var irreterad & pluggandet gjorde mig inte gladare. ♥
Och sen hoppas jag du gillar unicef bannern jag valde att lägga upp på bloggen,
kanske inte bästa stället (men jag suger på koder).
Annars är det väl bara att ta bort den.. men eftersom jag tror att vi alla 'gillar' unicefs syfte så tänkte jag att det vore snällt att ge dem lite publicitet :)
Och till alla läsare .. var lyckliga om ni inte har behövt plugga en hel helg + idag. ;)
/ Linda ♥
Dagens Bild + Citat

In truth, young Bella, immortality does become you most extraordinarily. It is as if you were designed for this life.
Aro, Breaking Dawn

Intervju med Kellan Lutz!

So I hear you’re pretty cool with the Twilight fans, who I hear can be a little much.
I am extremely blessed to be a part of this franchise. I didn’t know this series and I didn’t know it had such a following. I love going to conventions. That’s why I love Will Smith. He goes to every premiere in every country. I really admire that because his fans are the ones going to his movies, and it doesn’t take much to show your appreciation. The Twilight moms made dog tags and engraved really cool things on them.
But what happens when the fans get to a Robert Pattinson-level where it’s just insane?
Well, it’s crazy because with all this attention, all of us are handling it extremely well. We still have our head on our shoulders and our feet on the ground. Rob’s handling it so well. I can’t fathom being in his shoes. I believe I could handle it, but being cooped up in Vancouver and not being able to leave the hotel room or the apartment without having a driver and having to hide out—especially when he was shooting Remember Me, I talked to him a lot in New York and those fans were just crazy. I can’t imagine trying to act when you have all these people yelling your name and you’re doing an emotional scene.
Do you like doing your own stunts?
I love doing my own stunts. I try and fight the producers to allow me to do stuff and of course there’s insurance reasons why we can’t, but again, I want that to be my face on screen. I don’t want them to have to blur it out if there’s a cool fighting scene. And a lot of times I can do the stunt better than the stuntman. I once had to fall ten feet from a tree and I go the wind knocked out of me. The stuntmen were like, Let all the air out before you hit the ground. It’s a learning process but I just love doing all my own stunts and I’m an action junkie. I love anything action and being on rigs and falling from buildings. I kind of want to be a stunt man too.
Do you hang out with your cast mates from Twilight when you’re not filming?
Me and Ashley Greene are kind of not—the kids of the group, but we like playing games. I went to Toys R Us and bought Wii Fitness and tons of other games to play in the hotel, because we are always in the hotel and it’s tough to leave and not be followed by paparazzi or fans.
So people stalk you at the hotel?
Well the thing is, we can’t rent out the whole hotel, so fans will come up that know we are shooting there to have a chance to see all of us in one place. They’ll get rooms and every time one of us leaves, they’re there. It’s great to talk to them but you really can’t sneak away.
What is their reaction when they see you?
They’re very nervous and shy. They’re shaking, they shake and shoot the camera, and it’s all fuzzy so they have to do it again. Then there’s paparazzi who have flown from LA to Vancouver just to shoot a bunch of us. So it’s not just the Vancouver paparazzi, it’s LA as well. So it’s great just to feel like you’re at home and to play games. I bought the Twilight game which we never played until we were up there. It’s a fun game!

Källa | TheTwilightSagaa
Behind the scenes, intervju

DENNIS HOPPER: Before we start, I have a little six-year-old daughter here who’s going crazy right now because you’re on the phone. Could I just put her on for a second to say hello?
HOPPER: Okay, her name is Galen. [hands phone]
STEWART: Hi! How are you?
GALEN: Good.
STEWART: It’s really nice to meet you, Galen. [pause] Hello?
HOPPER: [takes phone] She’s so excited.
STEWART: Wow, that made me so nervous!
HOPPER: It made you nervous?
STEWART: Yeah. I’m just sort of intimidated by kids. I didn’t know what to say.
HOPPER: Well, thank you for doing that. So how are you doing?
STEWART: I’m pretty good. I’m not very good at interviews, but this is a trip. Why in god’s name did you want to do this? You have no idea how cool this is for me.
HOPPER: Well, you’re a really good actress. And my daughter is your biggest fan, so I thought, What the hell? [laughs] I usually don’t do this, either. But you must be going through a lot right now, the way Twilight is hitting. You must have no peace at all.
STEWART: The sad thing is that I feel so boring because Twilight is literally how every conversation I have these days begins—whether it’s someone I’m meeting for the first time or someone I just haven’t seen in a while. The first thing I want to say to them is, “It’s insane! And, as a person, I can’t do anything!” But then I think to myself, God damn it, shut the fuck up.
HOPPER: [both laugh] You know, you’re giving really wonderful performances. Since you didn’t know you’d be making sequels when you were making the first Twilight, has it been difficult for you to get back into character for these new ones?
STEWART: I’ve actually always been interested in following a character more long term, but the only place to really do that as an actor is on a TV series. But the Twilight series is cool because you know what’s ahead of you—all of the books have been written. And I get breaks in between. It’s sort of a depressing thing to lose a character just when you’ve been able to get to know her. Usually, at the end of a film it’s like I’ve finally gotten to know this person completely, and then we’re done. That actually happened on the set of Twilight, and then it happened again on New Moon. Each time my character Bella became a different person, and I got to know that person and take her to the next level.
HOPPER: Have you been able to enjoy it? Or do you feel more pressure doing these sequels?
STEWART: I do feel more of a pressurized strain than what is typical for me. Usually, what drives you is your own personal responsibility to the script and the character and the people you are working with. But in this case, I have a responsibility not only to that but to everyone who has personal involvement in the books—and now that spans the world. It’s an insane concept. There are certain things in Twilight . . . As much as I’m proud of that movie and I do like it, I feel like maybe I brought too much of myself to the character. I feel like I really know Bella now. But most readers feel like they know Bella because it’s a first-person narrative. She’s like a little vessel and everyone experiences the story through her. All of these girls who are fans personally feel like they encapsulate that character. So it’s like, “How the hell am I going to do that for all of them? It’s impossible!” But I’ve decided, if you’re just unabashedly honest all of the time, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
HOPPER: These Twilight books have some dark material.
STEWART: But the movies aren’t that dark, as much as we’d all have loved to have made those films. But as pretty as it is to watch and as nice as it is to have watched these two characters find solace in each other, everything around them is absolute chaos. I mean, you have to question their motivations—to watch two people so unhealthily devoted to each other . . . I stand behind everything that they do. I have to justify it in my mind, or else I couldn’t play the character. But they are definitely not the most pragmatic characters. The weirdest fucking themes run through this story—like dominance and masochism. I mean, you always have to realize that the story needs to make sense to the 11-year-olds who read the book and aren’t necessarily going to be viewing a scene as foreplay. But then there is the other segment of the audience—a large percentage—who does see the scene as foreplay. And it’s pretty deep, heady foreplay. [laughs] So it’s fun to play it both ways. I mean, I don’t know what it feels like to make out with my vampire boyfriend because it isn’t something that anybody has ever felt. But it’s funny to think that a lot of the audience is 10 years old and will maybe one day grow up to realize there are a lot of involved thoughts in Twilight that they didn’t see before.
HOPPER: Well, you’re getting a lot of attention.
STEWART: Yeah, it’s weird. There’s an idea about who I am that’s eternally projected onto me, and then I almost feel like I have to fulfill that role. Even when things come out of my mouth, I want to be sure I’m saying exactly what I mean. All I’m thinking of is the fact that everything that I say is going to be criticized—not criticized, just evaluated and analyzed. And it’s always something that matters so much to me that doesn’t come out right. But in terms of how my life has changed, I never really went out a whole lot before. I’m sort of an in-my-head kind of person. I wish I could take more walks . . .
HOPPER: You can’t take walks?
STEWART: I’d like to take more walks after work, instead of having to come back to my hotel room and not leave. So it can be boring. I’ve been working as an actress since I was very young, and I know a lot of people who are actors who don’t have to deal with having a persona . . . You know, if you look up the word persona, it isn’t even real. The whole meaning of the word is that it’s made up, and it’s like I didn’t even get to make up my own. It can be annoying. But I have a really strong feeling that this is going to go away, that this is the most intense it’s going to get—and could get—and that it’s fleeting. So in a few years, I will hopefully become more like the people I want to become like.
HOPPER: Does it bother you to see yourself in the tabloids?
STEWART: There’s nothing you can do about it, to be honest. I don’t leave my hotel room—literally, I don’t. I don’t talk to anybody about my personal life, and maybe that perpetuates it, too. But it’s really important to own what you want to own and keep it to yourself. That said, the only way for me not to have somebody know where I went the night before is if I didn’t go out at all. So that’s what I’m trading. It depends what mood I’m in. Some nights, I think, “You know what? I don’t care. I’m just going to do what I want to do.” Then the next day I think, “Ugh.Now everyone thinks I’m going out to get the attention.” But it’s like, no, I actually, for a second, thought that maybe I could be like a normal person.
HOPPER: I was looking at all the films you’ve done, and you’ve worked with some extraordinarily talented people: Patricia Clarkson—god, she’s a great actress—and Jodie Foster. Just really wonderful people. And your performances are very different. You started when you were nine years old. You wanted to act, right? It wasn’t like you were forced into it because your parents were in the industry?
STEWART: No. Not at all.
HOPPER: Because Dean Stockwell is one of my best friends, and he has horror stories about acting when he was a kid. But you wanted to do this, right?
STEWART: It’s a weird thing to expect a child that young to say what they want to do, like act. I’m not sure it was a natural inclination for me either, but it was something that I fell into. To be honest, I had fun at first. It was the first thing I ever thrived at. My parents are crew. They were both baffled that I wanted to act. But they support anything that me and my brothers want to do. It was something I thought was fun because I grew up on sets. And then a few years later, I grew up and acting became very different to me. I think I was about 13.
HOPPER: Did you study with anyone? Or did you just pick it up through association?
STEWART: No, I just walked into it.
HOPPER: You learned it there. That’s the best place to learn. I saw Panic Room again last night.
STEWART: Really? I haven’t seen that in so long. That was the second movie I ever made. Thank god Jodie Foster did that movie because I wasn’t thinking about anything on that set. I was literally just hanging out with her and being myself. I can’t think about watching that—it would kill me. It would be like watching a home movie.
HOPPER: But you’re so good in it. Did you go to school while you were working as a kid?
STEWART: I went to public school up until junior high. I know it’s a little late and I’m a little old, but I just finished high school—with honors. The other day I was doing a graduation scene on Eclipse, and I had just finished high school myself the week before, so I told the crew, “Hey, just so you know, I’m actually graduating right now, and I’m not going to have another ceremony.” So I took a mock picture with an extra. I literally asked the actor to come back and shake my hand and hand me the diploma while I was dressed in a cap and gown.
Behind the scenes:

Kristen gjorde en photoshoot för typ några dagar sen, och vi har inte lagt in bilderna än, så...VARSEGOD!
+ ATT ni får en video från photoshootandet, BEHIND THE SCENES och en intervju med Kristen i ett annat inlägg, snart :P Men bättre än så kan det väl inte bli?
Jag älskar dom verkligen !
Åkt på.
Är inte säker, men jag är sjuk & jag orkar inte blogga.
/ Linda

Amen hallå?!
Så har inte kunnat vara inne, men nu är jag inne på the big data i smyg >:)
hela allt är planert i helgen så jag är superbizzy! Och nästa vecka har jag tonvis med prov så vi får väl se när jag kan skriva något litet inlägg (;
puss på alla er läsare<3
(bjuder på en snyggbild sålänge gullisar)

Mamma har sett Twilight!
Jag tvingade mamma att se Twilight IDAG, och vet ni... DET GJORDE HON.
Men vet ni vad hon mer gojrde under filmen?
Hon sommna!
Love you modre! (;
Oj ja!,
Oj vad rädd hon ska bli nu!,
Mamma tycker alltså att Twilight suger, vilket säkert ingen av oss kan tänka sig, men det gör hon xD
// Ingen av oss har uppdaterat så mycket men jag antar att det beror på skola, vi kommer nog tillbaka allihopa imorgon ! <3